Are you struggling to keep up with your daily habits?
Exhaustive lists of daily habits or "non-negotiables" simply aren't designed for women. Forcing the same routines every day doesn’t align with our hormonal landscape. The Cycle Habits™ monthly tracker is designed to help you align your daily routines with your natural rhythms, creating sustainable well-being without burnout. A woman's power is amplified when we allow space for rest, enjoyment, and flow. By working with the menstrual or moon cycle, Cycle Habits™ helps you build intuitive routines that enhance productivity, deepen self-care, and support manifestation with ease. This holistic approach recognizes daily, monthly and seasonal rhythms, and the influence of emotional and psychological cycles, guiding you to optimize your energy, mood, and motivation throughout the month.
Access your downloadable Cycle Habits™ tracker along with your guide to habit stacking, cycle syncing, productivity hacks and more. Choose to engage with monthly group coaching sessions where you’ll learn how to structure your habits—whether it’s your morning routine, work schedule, or wellness practices—in a way that honors both your body and mind.
"When women align their nutrition, exercise and lifestyle habits with the four distinct phases of their menstrual cycle, it allows them to not only optimize their hormonal health, but also manage their energy. Cycle syncing offers a holistic, empowering approach to wellness, providing women with a framework to support their bodies, minds and overall vitality throughout their menstruating years."
We often get stuck in our heads, trying to rush through each habit or task in a day leaving ourselves very little time, if at all, to check in with our bodies, hearts, energies and intentions. In the forthcoming Age of Intuition the mind will be in service to the heart and soul. As a HeartMath affiliate, I'm passionate about the opportunity for us to hone our ability to tap into our hearts and form resonance with the powerful energy available there. Explore the HeartMath tools to support you in this practice.